How I Fooled The Internet As A Fake Time Traveler (Noah Time
I cannot believe I am making this video right now
It is absolutely insane that I am recording this
I am actually saying everything finally
It’s been so long, Oh My God
My name is Denis and I am Noah The Time Traveler
The famous viral time traveler that was all over the
internet at one point
Where he went into predictions with a blurred face and
deepened voice and ended up all over the new everywhere
The videos would reach millions and millions of views,
everyone was seeing these videos, everywhere
All the videos became popular on the channel ApexTV, where Noah
would have multiple videos saying shocking predictions
I am Noah the Time Traveler
Hold on, let me grab something really quick
Right here are two pictures of me saying predictions on this
Japanese magazine
So, when I say I was everywhere, I was absolutely everywhere
Millions of people, believers and skeptics all heard the
story of Noah The Time traveler
The time traveler that got stuck in this time, from the year
Well it’s all fake
If you haven’t guessed already, I am not actually a time
traveler, I am just a 16-year-old boy who fooled the internet
The fake multi-million view time traveler on the internet
and this is my confession on how I did it and why I was too scared to admit it
at first
It started when I was 14 years old
I was obsessed with YouTube and I was posting comedy videos
on my channel almost everyday
Eventually it lead me to become friends with the owner of
And that is where it all started
A lot of people where watching his time traveler videos at
the moment
So he gave me $20 to do a fake time traveler video
And just blur my face, deepen my voice and he would post it
on his second channel
(Infact, I myself am a time traveler)
As soon as it was uploaded to YouTube it started getting a
lot of attention
It was already at 60,000 views by the end of the day
And to me, that was a very very very big number
I went to sleep that night resting on 60,000 views
But while I was asleep, the news went crazy and social media
shared Noah The Time traveler everywhere
And when I woke up, it was at 900,000 views
Throughout the day, it was just going up in numbers
Eventually at the end of the day it reached 2 million views
And to me, that was absolutely a massive amount of numbers
And I was paid $100 to do it anyways, the $120 to do a
simple video was a lot to me
So I did a lot of time traveler videos after that where I
claimed to be a time traveler called “Noah”
And throughout these videos we would be laughing because we
treated it like a joke
And in some of these videos you can hear people laughing in
the background really faintly
And they were a massive success, they were in the front page
of Google News, they were on Snapchat News, they were on my Instagram and
Twitter timelines
I immediately saw it everywhere
My sister was listening to the radio and they even started
talking about it whilst was driving
So that is how big it was
So around this time I was 15 and I was making hundreds of
dollars pretending to be a time traveler on the internet
Which was super easy
These videos where everywhere on the internet
But the popularity started to increase as people started to
ask who is Noah The Time traveler?
And as I did this character more, the dark and scary parts
of it started to show more and it was very stressful
Hundreds of people trying to find any clue to find out who I
really was
They even tried finding the general locations where we
filmed so they can pinpoint where exactly I am
As people slow figured out who I was, I started receiving
death threats and people saying I was “going to pay”
It was really easy to send these messages through sites like
So just imagine this, I was 15 years old and there were grown
adults sending me death threats and saying that I was going to “pay”
I was scared every day that people would find my home
address, visit me or find my school and start calling in there
All these people used the excuse that I was a fraud and a
liar so I should be punished for it, even though these time traveler videos
were so funny and ridiculously fake.
At that point I never said anything about me being Noah The
Time traveler
Because I was scared for my well-being and stressed about
being exposed
It wasn’t easy though, as people I know in real life and in
my school, started taking pictures, videos and everything of me and were
posting it online giving people more information about who I was
And at that time I had my own personal YouTube channel that
I was dong vlog videos on, and they quickly found my videos and they started
commenting mass hate
I quickly deleted that channel and started a new one, this
one and now they found it again
I am sorry I can’t take this seriously; it is just so crazy
I am actually doing this video
The reason I am doing this video is because I am stressed, I
can’t do this stupid character anymore
I have to get rid of this looming threat that is above me
It keeps making me scared of being exposed
I don’t want to be known as Noah The Time traveler for the
rest of my life
But if I have to tell people, I will, to get rid of this
Not only that, but ApexTv tried making me and my parents
sign an NDA (Non-disclosure agreement) So I can never talk about being Noah
Imagine that, for the rest of my life, I can never say I was
Noah unless he allows it
I am sick of it all, my name is Denis Bel, I am 16 and I
love doing YouTube videos
I wanted to be truthful of all the Noah videos and tell you
it’s fake
They are all fake, me and ApexTV faked them all
I never had a chip in my wrist, I never had a lie detector
test, I never met my future self and I never had a video from the future – They
are all fake
I still even have all the unedited Noah videos on my
computer right here
So yea that is the end of the Noah videos
I actually have goosebumps right now, knowing that I am
actually ending it all right now
This is like the final confirmation that Noah is done
I can finally relax now without all this stress on my
It has been so long
I am sorry to everyone who believed my false information on
the Noah videos
I was younger, stupid and less mature
I don’t want to do any more time travel videos
I can’t believe I am doing this, I know ApexTV will be
flipping once he sees this video because he knows I am revealing everything
But you know what, I am just sick of everything. My name is
Denis Bel and I am Noah The Time traveler
I can’t believe I am getting a little emotional because of
me revealing everything in this video
But thank you so much, I really appreciate it, you finally
know the truth, bye
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Paid actor Apex Tv hired to pretend to do Noah Face Reveal |